My mom called today and said, "Hi Sonya, this is mom, I was just wondering if you celebrated for that... you know... how do you say? Obama becoming president thing. I still can't believe it really happened. Anyway, call me later."
On that same topic:

Obama's limo would be a Cadillac.
So, the theme of this post is that today was a super good day, despite the fact that I turned in a physics homework that I know I didn't do correctly, mainly because I didn't start it til this morning. Just getting the shitty out of the way, on the first graded item of the semester. That's how that works right?
Part of the reason I didn't really care about my physics hw was that I was finalizing my travel plans for das two grad school interviews Feb 10-12 and Feb 12-14. I'm so stoked that that's done, now I just have to go interview clothes shopping, and do a shit ton of research on the interests of the people who are going to be interviewing me and... on what I should pretend my own interests are.

Today being good was not based solely on money, BUT I did make $110, BITCHES! In addition, I found the $100 bill in my drawer that I had forgotten I was saving for Vegas this weekend, BITCHES!
SPS and friends went out to dinner for Bickers' Birthday at El Cholo with bunches of his current and former students. It was great. I think he had like three margaritas, and was working the table like mad. There were some old, old students there (like from 98, FUCK that's old). They told us stories about how they used to do the wave during class, and how apparently people used to go drinking at La Barca with Bickers. We're so bringing that back! w00t!
not to piss on your dreams or whatev, but W rolled in a Caddy too.