I'm still really impressed with this movie. I think a lot of it has to do with John Williams' music. It may be totally corny, but it works so well.
So... my facebook status right now is about how I am watching Return of the Jedi, and like within seconds after I posted it, an acquaintance of mine (below)from high school (I seriously don't think I ever had a conversation with him) responded with a very positive "Fuck yes!".

It's also highly possible that he's not really that good, and high schoolers are just dumb, but it makes me think about my hopes and dreams for the following year and upcoming future. I hope to continue playing French horn, probably mellophone, perhaps dabbling in trumpet (I know they suck, but I have my reasons), to the point where I'd love to be in some makeshift funk band or something. I don't care how good it really is, it just seems like it'd be fuckin' awesome. Like a random stress reliever and something to care about other than work.
For a reference point, this is pretty much how I envision my future:

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