That is, after catching a little bit of The Land Before Time on TV while eating leftover pizza for breakfast.

Because there is nothing to do in Riverside, we ended up driving back to about 15 minutes away from my apartment to go to an art gallery called the World of Wonder in Hollywood. We almost bought this print (right), but then we realized neither of us had a good place to put it. At least not a good enough place to spend $50 each.
This was also one of those art galleries with lots of pictures of genitals, gay sex, girls fingering themselves, and transvestites.

WHICH reminded me that we haven't taken the freshmen to Hollywood nearly enough.
On a similar note, these are the last few days of this particular show, and on January 15, the World of Wonder is hosting a NEW exhibit featuring DRAG QUEENS. Anyone else interested? The collage of RuPaul on the left is a sneak preview of what you would be missing.
I spend most of my life thinking about art. So yes.