I was just invited by Heather to write a "Young Lady's Guide to Science in 2010" for the
newish blog she is doing with Erin and Courtney. This prompted me to catch myself up on what they've been writing lately. In the process I came across a video mash-up of the major pop songs of the year in Erin's post 'Wrap It Up, 2009', and realized how much more I can link experiences to pop music this year than usual. And it is TOTALLY a good thing. I highly suggest you watch the video (DJ Earworm - United State of Pop ...) , cause it made me super happy about 2009, however morally depraved it might have been. Between ill-advised encounters with boys, a rave, beer pong, spontaneous dance parties, the Gold Room, Hawaii, Oxford, NaNoWriMo, the Pac-10 tournament, making out with a basketball player at the tournament in Minneapolis (oops), Graduation, Obama becoming president, driving to 'work' in Beverly Hills over the summer, the fact that the band is actually going to be on Glee, and realizing that I can use twitter for science, everything seems very incredibly surreal and amazingly possible.
I know all of these things are super shallow, and not really important. But they still make me happy. Another thing that makes me happy:
dolphins are people, too?