Friday, November 20, 2009

A Taste of England

Haven't posted in a while.  I thought I was going to be all good about it, and post things from England, like how lena, courtney, and kate did on their travel blogs during semesters abroad.  Not so much.  Here's one of my favorite pictures from England, just so I can pretend I did this while I was there:

Instead, as of October 1st, I started keeping a diary of sorts.  Mainly, I bought a book at Blackwell's that has a page reserved for each and every day. I think its designed to keep track of homework or something.  Lame. Whatever it's supposed to do, it's been very good at getting me to write or draw something every day.  Twice I have made other people write in it, so I don't have to.  It's nice.  Maybe I'll have my grandma write in it over Thanksgiving.

So, I have agreed to write an article about Web 2.0 and its influence on biomedical science for the Oxford Biochemical Society's termly journal.  It is incredibly interesting to learn enough about this topic to write a semi-coherent article.  The ideas of open source computing, twitter, blogging, podcasts, etc. are having real effects on scientific communication.  I just have to figure a thesis around which I can organize these thoughts and facts.  I will probably post it, or a semblence thereof, on here when I'm done.  It's due November 27th, so that's not too long from now.   Another picture just for the hell of it:
Regarding the whole computers are becoming more and more important thing, I am hoping to become much better at the internet in the near future.  For one, I'm planning on getting a brand new shiny macboook pro over Thanksgiving.  I currently am unable to do many things like watch videos and run iTunes smoothly.   Really, I think these are both fixable problems, but it's about time for me to get a new computer anyway.  Secondly, I now own and I need to figure out something to do with it.  Lastly, my mom gave me this sweet digital SLR as a graduation present, and I might start a flickr page on which to post my good pictures, since I kind of dump everything on facebook regardless of how I feel about its quality.  We'll see if I follow through on any of these things, but I certainly enjoy day dreaming about them.   Especially the new computer thing, and I don't think I can really survive if I procrastinate on that for much longer.